The Power of Generosity

Rev. Richard Smith

February 13, 2023

Proverbs 11:25A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

You probably have heard in the last few years of “the science of generosity”.  It focuses on research into how being generous persons helps us.  The results of various forms of research indicate that living generously makes us happier, lowers our blood pressure, soothes our spirits, produces physical well-being, etc.  We have known this for a long time, but the research has become more prolific and gained more attention.

Truth is, we people of the Judeo-Christian tradition have long known that generosity is both an expectation of our faith journey and a blessing upon our souls.  You can’t be a reasonably knowledgeable follower of the Old and New Testaments without being aware that God’s people are called to be self-giving, want to be generous, and understand that living this way produces spiritual blessings.

The writer of Proverbs 11:25 has gotten this spiritual principle right.  Generous people prosper…not necessarily materially but certainly emotionally and mentally.  As we give ourselves and our resources for others, we “will be refreshed”.

I’ve often stated that I’ve never met an unhappy self-giving person and that remains solidly true.  I don’t think you have either.  In fact, there’s a God-grounded congruity between living selflessly and enhanced happiness.

Of course, generosity isn’t just about money or material offerings.  It’s also giving of one’s time, one’s energy, one’s talents, and one’s influence.  Even time committed to prayer for another can be considered the action of a generous spirit.  In essence, there are manifold ways a self-giving heart can do its good work.

Now, let me be clear.  I want to be generous of resources, time, talents and energy primarily because this is what our Lord asks of us.  But, I have no qualms discovering a lifting in my spirit and a spark in my soul because I am obedient!