Keeping The Faith About Acts Of Love


Rev. Richard Smith

John 15:12,14, 17 Words Of Jesus
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you…You are my friends if you do what I command…This is my command: Love each other.

My guess is that you know the name Wendell Berry. He’s a writer, poet, and activist who has written dozens of novels, short stories, poems, and essays. One of his short poems says…
I know that I have life only insofar as I have love.
I have not love except it comes from Thee.
Help me, please, to carry this candle against the Wind.

I really like these words and that image, candle against the wind.
In so many ways the love we followers of Jesus seek to offer and share seems at times like the flame of a small candle helplessly blowing against the mighty winds of hate, hostility, and violence.  It takes the best within us to trust that our little acts of kindness, self-giving love, and compassion make a difference at all. Feelings of helplessness amidst the withering onslaught of all that is ignoble and hurtful in our world can at times touch the most faithful of us.

So, how do we “keep the faith” that our caring, giving, and loving matters at all?
Let me suggest some ways here…

  • Involve yourself with Jesus.  Simply put, just continue to immerse yourself everyday in the teachings and loving acts of Jesus.  While this is not some magical impetus for continuing to be positive, it does inspire us to keep believing that his way of living has profound impact.  After all, since his death in 33 A.D., no historical figure has come close to impacting the actions of humankind as has Jesus.  I’ll work on preparing a composite overview of key texts for celebrating this ethic of love Jesus exemplified and for which he empowers us.
  • Be honest with God.  Prayerfully share with God the personal points of struggle for living hopefully.  We’re all human and none of us can carry on the love ethic without at times needing extra help from God.  Lay before Him your points of deepest concern and seek additional strength to carry on.  God is always faithful and over time will help us stand strong and faithful.
  • Keep trusting that God is at work whatever the present circumstances.  As I’ve stated often, God claims this world as his and He continuously invests himself in its ongoing history.  Yes, this is a matter of faith.  But history also bears witness that things have continued over the long stretch of history to get better.
  • Be in steady conversation with folks who have the same conviction about loving like Jesus loved. We all find strength in spiritual and moral camaraderie with those who also take the call of Jesus deeply seriously.  Again, none of us do this perfectly, but we all know the ones with whom we share this deep-seated desire to let love make a difference.  Staying connected fuels both the desire and the effort to keep on keeping on when there are so many hateful acts and words. 
  • Repeat at least once daily, The Serenity Prayer; the full Serenity Prayer.  This prayer guides us to be both realistic and hopeful; recognizing that we do our best as often as we can; affirming that God is regularly at work but conceding that God’s ultimate plan won’t be fully completed in this world.  I pray this prayer at least twice daily and find deep spiritual comfort in so doing. When we pray it, we are joining our hearts and minds with God’s ways and God’s will.